Sunday, April 19, 2009

No Lotion Can Salve This

While going out and about in the city of angels recently, I ended up in a conversation with a friend-of-a-friend. (According to Facebook, he is actually my friend directly. However, since I have to this point only ever see him via a mutual acquaintance, I think describing him as a FOAF seems most accurate.) It was one of those situations where a big group of people standing around had broken off into a few different conversations, with he and I left on the outskirts. We had temporarily become like the remainder table at the wedding, the one made up of the three friends from work, the extra cousins, and the two guys from college who don't get along with anyone they actually know.

Our conversation began with the exchange of pleasantries. How was your day?, Yeah things have been good, oh man nice weather huh?, etc. It then somehow, naturally but randomly, got to this point:

Him: How old are you again?

Me: I'm 30.

Him: Really? Huh. You don't look 30.

Me: Thanks, it's because I moisturize.

Laughter, a decent joke, well played and timed. Nothing too remarkable, but solid. Then, after the awkward silence of "what the hell else do we have to say to each other?" fell over us for a few seconds:

Me (cont): Yeah. I do. It helps the skin.

Him: Yeah, it definitely does.

Me: I didn't realize, how...uh. How much it would. Until...but, it's good.

Him: Yeah.

Me: Yeah.

Why I Am Awesome: I no longer have dry, flaky facial skin.

Why I Am Not Awesome: I continue to have conversations that make me feel like an awkward 8th grader trying to pick up the girl with big boobs at the school dance.

1 comment:

  1. It is also the non-smoking.

    I actually got Matthew to use eye cream and sunscreen when he's going to be outside a long time by suggesting that if he continues to do nothing he'll look 20 years older than me in 10. I reminded him: 1)that "Black don't crack," 2) I almost obsessive take of my skin and 3) my mom has aged better than his folks. It was a bit harsh, but if it prevents him from getting skin cancer, what's the harm?
